
Friday, May 04, 2012

Convex002 - dBridge presents Velvit

Long one of the lynchpins of the drum & bass scene and one of the driving forces behind the much feted Autonomic movement, dBridge again reaffirms his place at the vanguard of modern electronic music with fresh offerings from a new alias, Velvit.

Finding a home on Jon Convex’s Convex Industries imprint, the sound of Velvit is one which re-assesses a broad range of influences with a notoriouslys prescient ear. A vast sound palette draws upon moods, emotions and production technique taken from as far afield as 90s Jungle to the sleaze and seduction of more modern contemporaries such as Jimmy Edgar via the futurist soul and yearning vocals of Africa Hitech. Available now exclusively through Surus.