Olly Peryman was only ever tentatively linked to the drum & bass scene, but these days the bind has been totally snapped. Defining where's he's ended up, though, feels next to impossible. "Lately most of my rhythms are drawn from what I hear and see from my body during meditation," he said recently, illustrating just how far from leftfield his beats have been coming. The biggest takeaway from our Breaking Through piece with Peryman last year was that he doesn't produce to a grid—his sounds, unanchored by quantization, are laid down in a way that "sounds right" to him. It's an approach that mitigates his appeal to DJs, but has yielded some of the strangest and most distinctive electronic music in recent memory. If you're looking for an entry point into the murky world of Fis, then we give you "DMT Usher." The track, which will be re-released later this month as part of an EP for Tri Angle, is like a grotty remix of Apocalypse Now's opening sequence, with Martin Sheen sweating as the helicopter circles above. Or for the full immersive experience, get hold of The Commons, which was released last year on dBridge's Exit Records. Its six tracks fuck with rhythm and charcoal textures in a way that Fis now completely owns.
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