Via ESP Agency: The first release for Consequence and Joe Seven's new alias They Live is coming soon on dBridge & Instra:mental's Autonomic label. Creeping in with a slightly haunting melody and sparse drums, ‘Pure Palms’ starts off with little indication of where the track might lead; it feels as though it could go in any direction. As it slowly builds, the warmth and weight - and deep-set rhythms - that Consequence is known for begin settling, and open up to an evocative, widescreen track of immense beauty. They Live’s musicality comes through strong throughout the detailed turnings of the downtempo masterpiece, with immersive low-end fills and intricate percussion that take all headphones hostage. ‘Don’t Know What To Say’ brings a darker edge, with crackling sound effects and an ominous, spine-chilling bassline that creates intense and intriguing dynamics. As a solemn melody builds, once again They Live bring a cinematic feel to the dense, ever-growing atmosphere. Brooding with textured sounds, skyscraping synths and head-nodding beats, the mesmerizing track shows huge promise of what’s to come from the powerful duo.
NOMIC 005 - A-They Live-Pure Palms by
NOMIC 005 - AA -They Live- Dont know what to say by
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